We respond best to email. In your email please let us know your child's age and the program location that you are interested in. We make time weekly to check email and phone messages; please rember that our first priority is to our enrolled children and educators. If you do call and leave a voice message please make sure to clearly and slowely leave your contact number - please repeat the number for clarity.
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Good conversation connects us at a deeper level. As we share
our human experiences, we rediscover a sense of unity.
We remember we are part of a greater whole.
And as an added joy, we also discover our collective wisdom.
We suddenly see how wise we can be together. - Margaret Wheatley
Please make sure to clearly and slowely leave your contact number - please repeat the number for clarity.

(562) 435-1300 LSH Child Development Center at 1814 7th Street, Serving Toddlers through Kindergarten

(562) 513-3313 LSH at 4111 Katella serving Infants through Kindergarten