
LSH Parent Night 2023
Download FileOur Goals
To provide a balance of, social, emotional, intellectual and physical stimulation that is essential for the development of the whole child. In our program we support and enrich individual development. It is our goal:
To Support Children Socially and Emotionally by being responsive to the individual child while encouraging self-care and independence.
To Support Children Intellectually by providing opportunities that reflect the child’s interest. These opportunities provide time for interactive exploration while also providing a unique and exciting learning experience. Furthermore, activities prepare children for future life experiences.
To Support Physical Development by providing a well-balanced diet, an outstanding playground and a variety of physically stimulating activities.
What is Our Philosophy?
Inspired by Reggio Emilia
The Reggio approach derives its name from Reggio Emilia, a city in northern Italy where educators, parents, and children began working together after World War II to reconstruct society and build an exemplary system of municipal preschools and infant-toddler centers. The region has since been recognized to have one of the best municipal educational systems in the world, largely due to its innovative educational approach and the amount of civic resources committed to the system.
Reggio Curriculum has an underlying structure based on guided learning and collaboration. This approach engages the interests and skills of each individual child, interweaving teachings on a broad range of disciplines through real world learning. Throughout the year short and long term projects emerge that highlight children’s learning processes.
The program curriculum at Little Sunshine House is based on the interest of the children, their exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriching environment through a self-guided curriculum. The goal for this self-guided or project-based curriculum is to provide even deeper, more meaningful learning for children, as well as inspiration and growth for the teachers.
Best Practices in Early Childhood Education
In order to support children we look at the works of current research to best support children and families.
What is "Best Practice?"
The term "Best Practice" has been used to describe "what works" in a particular situation or environment. When data support the success of a practice, it is referred to as a research-based practice or scientifically based practice. We must keep in mind that a particular practice that has worked for someone within a given set of variables may or may not yield the same results across educational environments. Best practices are the integration of professional wisdom with the best available empirical evidence in making decisions about how to deliver instruction.” Professional wisdom allows educators and family members to adapt to specific circumstances or environments in an area in which research evidence may be absent or incomplete. But without at least some empirical evidence, education cannot resolve competing approaches, generate cumulative knowledge, and avoid fads and personal biases.