Preschool Rates
Fall 2023-2024
Tuition is due at the beginning of each month. Tuition is paid through the app Brightwheel and is due monthly regardless of personal vacations or illness. Our preschool ratios range from 1:6 to 1:10 depending on the age of the group and situation.
Toilet Learned Preschool Age Children to include: Butterfly/Evergreen/Saplings/Tree Tops
5 Days a Week
- A.M Program $1097
- Extended Day $ 1334
4 Days a Week
- A.M Program $934
- Extended Day $1220
3 Days a Week
- A.M Program $ 772
- Extended Day $ 1101
2 Days a Week
- A.M Program $ 605
- Extended Day $ 858
Rate for children 2.5 and up that are not toilet learned:
5 Days a Week
- A.M Program $ 1299
- Extended Day $ 1537
4 Days a Week
- A.M Program $ 1068
- Extended Day $ 1411
3 Days a Week
- A.M Program $ 858
- Extended Day $ 1216
2 Days a Week
- A.M Program $ 629
- Extended Day $ 902
A.M. Program is 4 hours of care daily 8:30-12:30
Extended Day is 8.5-9 hours of care daily between 7:30-5:30 (last pick up is 5:15)
Little Sunshine House staff and administration hold that each individual family is unique and truely special. It is our intention to nurture each child and their family.
We welcome all families regardless of race, religion, ability, sexual identity and/or family structure.
Admission is based on a families place on our interest list. We give priority to siblings and sibling's of alumni.
We are closed for a Winter Break between Christmas Eve and the New Year, as well as, State and Federal Holidays; 3 In-Service Staff Days and 2 Staf Planning Days. School closures are listed in the Parent Handbook. Tuition is due regardless of school closures and Hoildays as well as personal time off.
Tuition covers enrollment in either our A.M. program or in our Extended Day program. Our A.M. program runs from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuition for the a.m. program covers 4 hours of care daily.
Our Extended Day Program is offered Monday through Friday. We are open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tuition for the extended day program includes 8-9 hours of care per day as well as two snacks. Care over 9 hours a day must be approved by the program director.
Other Fees: Annual Art and Music Fee of $150 due in September or upon enrollment. One time registration fee of $50. If a spot becomes available there is a $100 to hold a space.
Take a tour and add your name to our interest list there is no fee!